I had a wonderful job interview today where they asked me a question I’d never thought of for an interview before: “If you could talk with any one person, living or dead, who would it be and why.” Well this interview was going so well that I didn’t think it was odd, but later I realized just how significant a question like this could be.

My answer, as may be obvious, was Abraham Lincoln, though as I told my interviewers, Aristotle was a close second. But the significance of the answer seems relevant from the perspective of this: how do the people in your world that you respect, living or dead, influence what kind of person you are and want to be?

I have spent so many years just trying to make sure I could come up with rent money for me and my girls, that I’ve lost sight of the “idealistic me”. The part of me that wants to be part of something bigger, brighter, important for others around me and maybe the world!

So, it is armed with this new insight, and a reinvigoration of my idealistic side that I will forge ahead and not settle for the first thing that comes along, but will wait until that PERFECT job, that fully engages and challenges me to be a better me and make a better world, comes along! I’m hoping it might be the one I applied for today, but if not, there WILL be one. THAT was worth the 2 hour interview alone!

Photo credit:
Alexander Gardner
Silver Gelatin Print
Color, James Nance
February 5, 1865
Washington D.C.
M-97, O-116
Copyright 2002 Nance

Unrestricted copyright usage from: www.abrahamlincolnartgallery.com/